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Dear, Paulko, it is a fantastic game (game of the year for me), and i met a bug: the arrow-spitter stone is active after the explode.. i made a gif


Weird, I explicitly remove arrow (and spear) trap functionality when bombed. This might be an edge case though, since there is no left/right tile removal next to the trap in this specific case. Need to investigate further. Thanks for the report!

if you need, i saved .VSF snapshot in WinVice 3.1 x64 before this event, i can send for testing etc.

Please do: paulko64 at gmail dot com

Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble with my Ultimate II+ cartridge on my original C64 and could really use some advice. I’m trying to load D64 files, and while the games get to the title screen, the disk keeps spinning and never finishes loading.

Does anyone know which settings I should adjust to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Problem solved! I reset all settings from the menu, and the game finally loaded. I’m not exactly sure which setting was causing the issue, but the reset fixed it.

You brought a great game to the C64 in an excellent way! It's my favorite pastime! Thank you!

Hi PaulKo. Can the music be toggled off? I prefer to play with sfx only, especially after several hours of listening to the same music :)

Sorry, only combined music+sfx is supported. Memory was really tight, so all non-essentially features did not make it.

Best to improve your skill further so that you can regularly reach the other worlds, which have different music :)

First of all, this is awesome!
Possibly the best platformer I have played on C64.

I found a bug.
If I spam down and up really fast, I can perform multiple jumps mid-air. 


(GTK3 3.24.39, GLib 2.78.3, Cairo 1.18.0, Pango 1.50.14)

Oops, that needs to be fixed...


Now we can finally beat the game without free jetpack from robbing the shopkeeper! XD

Awesome game, works on all of my setups. C64 breadbin, c64 forever, my modded c64 DTV.

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Been playing it for 4 days, a few hours every day now because it's so addicting, and while I love it, there's one part of it that I've actually come to really fear -- the way you get off ladders mid-ladder.

Help? What kind of mechanic am I not picking up on?

(1 edit)

To get off ladders, you have to press diagonally up. To reach a corridor directly next to a ladder, you should be positioned roughly a tile lower before jumping.

This is a consequence of having only a single button controller...

With some practice this should not be difficult anymore.

eye2eye ... the engine and finish is absolutely awesome

the controls for a c64 game with 1button joystick are superb and really responsive theres a ton of props and background tiles and theres more than one tune too, in a game which i think loads only once (i finished it on vice tho for a reason i'll mention in a moment) its a real neo-retro ("post-2020") classic in the making , this thing has potential HOWEVER, i couldnt escape the "apshai remastered" feeling due to its randomness.

If any of the bedroom coders is watching, my suggestion would be to add a finishable game, like 15 to maybe max 30 designed which increase sequentially in complexity and difficulty but remain the same so you can as you would in platformers memorize the layout and mob movements and traps (as you would do patterns in a shmup) so you can get through the second (or 3 4 5 ... ) time around. The generator is great but it leaves blind jumps and i dont think i wouldhave had the courage to go through 17 levels without VICE snapshots here.
IF you had that (designed levels) and then the generator on top as a hiscore chaser with or without friends id give the game five io 4 stars and call it up for GOTY '24 lol this is some really awesome work ... item shop and all included, like "monster boy in wonderland meets rick dangerous" perhaps ?
its fluid too, the music is not too much and not too little its catchy but stays in the background everything is just "done" xept this one thing lol : the randomness without a finishable game.

I looked at the other stuff, canabalt was also quite a nice piece of passtime, completely well done and i dont know the others but ill probably check them some time later this month or next month , if this is "one side" or "64kb" i cant wait to see what these guys do with a 3to6 (ultima-size , monkey island ...) or an easyflash

okay thats more than 20 words sorry

yea so "designed levels" is missing imo, otherwise im utterly and totally impressed, i usually dont do a lot of platformers

GREAT WORK, great potential ... hope to see more

the engine alone can probably spawn 20 titles

im really really really impressed by the versatility of the controls with just a one-button joystick and no keyboard ...

well there

my 2cents

well more like 299 + vat (i cant believe the eurosuits demand VAT on these things, its like they dont want you to have a beer for it)

anyway ... its late ... i have to cycle

impressive , really

but : "a game" on top of the generator ... would make it impressive +1


o btw : i had a screenshot but it seems to only have taken a quarter , on the boss level the bossman boinked the floor out from undre the exit door so after he .. "passed on" i couldnt reach it lol ... major bummer :)

but we persevered

The blind jumps actually aren't as blind as they initially seem, at least in base Spelunky. You can always hold the down direction to move the camera downward a bit, letting you see what's coming before you jump down.


i know, i finished it last week , ah six days ago it says but from what i found you dont always see the bottom even when looking down. Its an awesome engine that could spawn several platformers of different style with responive versatile mechanics/controls imo. I just feel this specific game would benefit from like at least 15 to at most 30 designed consistent levels on top of the hi score chaser random generator. 

It might be a lot to ask for a 3 euro game lol but im not really asking, i just think it would make the thing total GOTY material, i enjoyed it anyway, great stuff, these guys got skills lol

Memory? What about a C128 version?


Thank you for this - here is my tribute to your great game.  A subscribe would be most welcome from anybody that is new to the channel - thank you.

Very impressive work! Great to see a proper retro version of an all-time classic.

Love it, another quality release.

Created a longplay video today. Brilliant game, and I got used to the controls pretty quickly.

Wow, you actually managed to make proper Spelunky for the 64… Amazing feat – massive respect and thank you for all the effort you put into this!

I have only played for 2-3 h so far, but looks like it has all the essential gameplay elements. Not only is it impressive to cram this into a single C64 executable, but the gameplay, controls and movement feel spot on & super fun!

How cool is it to have one of the all-time best games for the all-time best computer in 2024 :-)

Did BTW water just stay floating in place in the original Spelunky too? I can't remember anymore… Not that I'm expecting realistic water physics here :-D

Thanks for the nice words!

In Spelunky classic you could "empty out" the water sections by bombing a hole in the bottom. That is one effect I did not have memory for in the end...

I can imagine :-) I guess figuring out when there's a leak is the tough part?

(1 edit)

just bought it, amazing work - really enjoying it.

Loving it, although the controls are a challenge sometimes. How the heck do you buy stuff in shops? I keep accidentally whipping the shopkeeper and getting killed.

Same way as you pick up other items: joystick down and fire. Indeed best to not anger the shopkeeper ;)

Hmm, I tried that repeatedly, must just need to keep trying until I get the positioning bang on.

One of the most fun games I've ever played on the C64. Didn't know about the original game, but the original concept is right here at home on the Commodore I would say.

(2 edits)

Really the only small downer for me is that, having no previous experience with the Spelunky games, there is no real manual in here, or a tutorial. 

There are a lot of items you can throw, but can you do something else with them, for example? 

How do you just gently place a bomb at your feet without throwing it? Even when pressing down they roll a bit.

What are the grey blocks? Are they any different from regular dirt blocks? They look like you're supposed to be able to push them or ... something.

Can you get extra lives at all? I've never been past cave 2 so far...

Things like that. It's a bit tough to figure this out.

But I'm in love with the game itself!

Yes you supposed to figure out almost everything by yourself. Anyway the Spelunky wikia pages can be used for the C64 version aswell. Grey blocks should be pushed if I remember correctly, however I can't move them in this version. For extra life save the damsel (or use Kali's altair).

There was a tutorial in the original game though :3 I looked that one up now. Thanks for the tips! <3


Liking it so far. Plays so smoothly! Very impressive!

I find it a bit difficult to use the rope/bomb.

Could it be possible to configure to use keyboard or multiple buttons (A:jump, B:whip, C:bomb/rope) ?

Game is designed to work with a single button joystick.

You can only take out a bomb or throw a rope when not carrying another item.

To take out or put back a bomb, hold button for a second while joystick is centered. Note that at this moment the bomb is not armed yet, so you can walk around freely while carrying it. Only after a short button tap, the bomb will be armed. Now you have a few seconds to drop it (joystick down and button tap) or throw it away (button tap). You can only put a bomb back when it's not armed...

It takes some practice to master this :)

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I really like the one joy button control you designed! I've always found the classic's controlling scheme confusing, maybe because I rarely using controller. I only missing that we cannot throw stuff up.

Actually you can. Joystick up and button tap will throw an object upwards. Takes some practice...

Thank you for your answer. You did a great job making it work with a single button. Takes some practice for sure :) 

Just a suggestion: If jump, whip, bomb, rope was assigned to keys, it would be possible to map those keys to different joypad buttons.


Loving it on handheld - fantastic game 👏👏

ill have to set up my c64 now! just created a crt and bin from the prg just got to burn it to a eprom and play it 

This game is so awesome 😍 I love the Hires graphics, the animation, the sound... everything ;) 

Is it intentional that there is no manual so that you have to find out every trick of your own? ;) I'm not sure what to do with the portable objects...

Indeed, the fun is trying to figure out what you can do with all the different items :)

(1 edit)

Kiddo loves the game. Is easy and challenging at the same time. We are having fun! 

Great work. 

Edit: animation when close to the edge is hilarious. 


very good

Really nice game. Good playability, nice gfx and great music.

fantastic!! thanks so much for this port, it rules!

c64 jewel ;D

(1 edit)

Really enjoying it so far , just passed lvl 13

You got to tell me how you did that. There should only be 16...

lol my bad I just passed 13  , so 16 in total ? Im so close!

(1 edit)

Booted up the d64 version six times now.  Game seems to run good, except for me at least 2 out of 6 boots (not necessarily restart of game as you lose your life) the game freezes whilst in play.  It's brief, only about 2-2.5 seconds duration and not repeated often at all.  Game does not crash, both times recovered nicely.  However, I would not want it to happen in a theoretical mid-"any tricky jump and then  whip" type of situation further into the game.

So I just leave this comment in case it comes up with anyone else.  It has not affected my gameplay so far.  Nor have there been any crashes or a  permanently frozen screen.

system setup: I am using a C64 mini (therefore VICE), PAL setting, and the d64 version.

Have not tried the prg version yet.  It doesn't bother me that much.

Mmm interesting, might be an emulator issue? I never encountered this during testing on real hardware...

Yeah it could very well be a PEBCK category.  

Stability of the game is not affected, and it only has happened a few times.  No frustrations at all.  Enjoying the game a lot! On my end,  I always have the option of trying the prg to see if it never has the thawable freeze.

I guess, it could be a problem of the older VICE v2.4 version, the C64Mini uses. 

Congratulations on your game. Some very nice animation and effects going on in there. 

Great game 😎 I look forward to more such titles from you 😎

I just can't leave the ladder in mid. So I want to access an intermediate corridor, but the ladder always take me to the top or the bottom, I cannot cease grabbing the ladder or the ledges.

Diagonally up allows you to jump off ladders. To enter a corridor directly next to a ladder, you should be positioned just below and push diagonally up.

I can't figure it out. It def would be more intuitive that moving the JOY left or right on ladder (or rope!) the hero would try to left the ladder in that direction.
However a really nice port, is the vases can be broken somehow?
Once I jumped on the rope on the start screen and left the screen up hoping in some easter egg :D

Only left/right on ladder/rope switches player facing, which is needed for correct weapon direction.

An easter egg on the title screen would be too easy :)

Just tried the Spelunky classic ( an online version of it ) and now I see why is it that way.

Excellent game!

1h left… :-)

This looks amazing! Can't wait to jump back into the mines!

It looks interesting :-)

I look forward to it. Of course we will describe it in K&A Plus 😎

Greetings from Poland ✌️😎

Can't wait!

very good game,thank

can't wait !

Cool! Finally, a game to look forward to again. There hasn't been much since Timo's Castle. Day one for a longplay!

If you’ve played the original, you’ll know this isn’t one that is going to produce your usual long play…

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