No more "sticky" Spelunky behavior...

Several people have indicated that in rare cases the player control can get "stuck", preventing you from continue playing normally.

After looking at my code in-depth, I'm 80% sure that I've found the problem.

Getting stuck in V1.3 is now most likely not due to my code anymore :)

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5 days ago

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Yes, it used to freeze completely on my C64mini for maybe 20 secs, then it resumed to game. What I would welcome most is the possibility to continue from last reached world from the rope in the start screen. I am a bit bored to start again and again from level 1. Could you consider this?

Original Spelunky has tunnel man, which enables restarts at other worlds. Sadly another feature that didn't make it in my port :(

And memory constrains does not allow this in your version, right?